Unlike a vision screening or other general eye test, comprehensive eye exams evaluate the entire health of the eye. They also help the optometrist or ophthalmologist determine your unique prescription. Comprehensive eye exams should begin in infancy to ensure proper...
It’s important to know how the eye works so that you can understand your body. The better informed we are about our health, the easier it is to note potential symptoms and to take an active role in preventative care. Did You Know: Eyes heal much faster than many...
Eye health is an important part of overall health. It’s crucial to childhood development and independent aging for adults. Most people depend on clear vision. It helps them participate in their occupation, hobbies, and even to perform most everyday tasks. If any...
Types of Contact Lenses Millions of people wear contact lenses to help them see clearly. We’ve seen many advancements in lens materials and designs over the years. There are more types of contact lenses and lens choices available now than there were in the past. Most...